Just a few things I noticed on the SF Muni (may be applicable elsewhere).
1. That thing that opens up, and people move in and out? That's a door. Don't stand there unless the car you're on is a sardine can..and you complain that people are pushing you...
2. In the aforementioned "Sardine Can" situation, and you are near the door, it is OK to leave the car and let people out. Don't worry, you can get back in.
3. Your backpack/bags double your width. Take those things off and put them by your feet. Smacking people with your backpack is not good...And don't complain that someone is pushing you, you're smacking me in the head with your big ol' bag, it's your fault.
4. It is crowded on the bus, take only ONE seat. Don't put your crap on the other seat. Don't put your feet up. Don't lie down.
5. Cell phone etiquette. Quiet voices, please. I don't want to know about what you did with your boyfriend/girlfriend last night. I don't want to know about how bad your job is, or how hot your coworker is. Also, I don't want to hear you break up with your significant other or have an argument with them. Neither do the rest of the passengers. This means...no yelling, no swearing...and PLEASE, if you hang up on them in anger...don't call them back!
6. Let people out. Are you really in THAT big of a rush? Did you know that if you let everyone out, it's easier to get in?
7. Stop Request in the underground. You don't have to pull that string in the underground, it'll stop by itself...
8. Don't say you were "going to pay". NO you weren't. Take your ticket. Shut up.
9. It is OK to move to the back of the bus. Nobody is going to kill you back there.
10. Don't sing on the bus either, or start treating your seat as a drum. You're not that good. Also, if I can hear your music blasting out of your earphones...why is it up so loud?!!! ARE YOU DEAF...(or, at least, you will be...).
* Also, no explicit public displays of affection. That's just nasty. Get a room, not a bus.
I don't intend to change anyone's behavior with my post...just point out the stupid stuff.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Ten Things That Dumb People Do On Public Transportation
Posted by
10:03 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
I THINK they made have made a mistake...
BONUS ENTRY, Why? Because this is too dumb to pass up.
"Dead" Man Wakes Up Under Autopsy Knife
Mon Sep 17, 8:53 AM ET
The Story:
"CARACAS (Reuters) - A Venezuelan man who had been declared dead woke up in the morgue in excruciating pain after medical examiners began their autopsy.
Carlos Camejo, 33, was declared dead after a highway accident and taken to the morgue, where examiners began an autopsy only to realize something was amiss when he started bleeding. They quickly sought to stitch up the incision on his face.
"I woke up because the pain was unbearable," Camejo said, according to a report on Friday in leading local newspaper El Universal.
His grieving wife turned up at the morgue to identify her husband's body only to find him moved into a corridor -- and alive.
Reuters could not immediately reach hospital officials to confirm the events. But Camejo showed the newspaper his facial scar and a document ordering the autopsy."
Hmmm...I'm no doctor, but I think the breathing and the fact that he didn't become pale would kind of give it away...but like I said I'm not a doctor. Maybe these guys should've taken this course. Unless they want the...more extensive version.
***Picture and story courtesy of Yahoo! News/Reuters***
Posted by
3:04 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
On Second Chances to Run...
Location: Grand Junction, Colorado
Who: Judge Bruce Rauum
Dumb Link (News Story #1): Fugitive Dem fundraiser on the lam again
Dumb Link (News Story #2): Hsu Gets Another Chance to Post Bail (SF Gate)
Most of the time, I like to exploit dumb people that I see randomly on the street or at work. Occasionally, something in the news will strike me as dumb. This would be it.
For those of you not familiar with Mr. Norman Hsu. He's a democratic fundraiser accused of stealing and cheating donators out of millions and millions of dollars. He was fugitive for 15 years (not really hiding) until a couple of weeks ago when he surrendered, posted a $2 million bond (chump change) and was free till his court date, which he didn't show up for (now WHO could've predicted that?). They find him on a train in Colorado acting a little looney and somewhat suicidal etc. Put him to trail and tell him he's free again if he posts $5 million dollars bail.
Okay, so this guy avoided the authorities for 15 years, and, when you finally catch him...you tell him he's free for $2 mil, which is nothing, then, as expected, he runs, you catch him, and now say, hmm....I think we're going to see if he runs again for $5 million! Come on now! That's like going fishing, wait 8 hours, get nothing, then catch the biggest fish ever and say, "We'll see if he comes back!" You don't give another chance to a guy who's run twice, notorious for running, and has the connections to run again. They KNOW he has connections. They shouldn't have given him a chance to run in the first place, but to give him a SECOND chance? How oblivious can you be?!
Of course, I could be wrong, he may post the bail, leave, and come back as scheduled. If he doesn't, well, I told you so! We'll see how long it'll take to catch him again. Perhaps they'll go for $10mil next time? Maybe the plan is to just drain his bank account, and have a little fun chasing him down in the process? Beats me. I got $10mil that it'll take them 4 years to find him again.
Next time: Dumb people who block the Exit Doors on MUNI.
Posted by
5:20 PM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The Lazy Parking Lot Driver
Okay. For those of you new to this (and you should be, because this IS the first post), we encounter people every day, who just don't seem to get it. They do weird actions that don't make sense to the majority of us, and continue to do it. Their odd behavior seems to create waves of other people like them. I will use this blog to expose these types of people (because singling out people is mean, and will only be used in extreme cases of dumbness). I don't claim to be the expert on behavior, but these people defy logic...I should also mention that I work with the public at a movie theatre. Anyone who has worked in customer service has some stories to tell. I'll get to those later. Now on with the stupidity!
The Lazy Parking Lot Driver
Location: Stonestown Galleria
So I've seen this alot, and even maybe my friends will do it. It's looking for a parking space as close to a door as possible, without parking on the sidewalk adjacent to the door. This is completely acceptable in pouring rain, because, you know, getting wet is a problem (in the shower, it isn't, but to each his own). While looking for a parking space, I see gold. Empty parking space! Then I see horror, a car right there. Damn. And, I already turned. To my pleasure the car moved past the open space and stopped. He was waiting for someone to get in and BACK OUT of their car. Now you may be thinking, "The space was the one of the first ones, right?" Nope. This space he took was THREE spaces closer than the empty space. Are you seriously THAT lazy that you can't walk an extra 15 feet? Come on now. This guy goes in the category of people who tail pedestrians out of the mall going to their car, but once they get past a certain point, the driver decides "it's too far" and drives away. Doesn't really matter to me. I got two things out of this experience. My first post :-D, and that parking space without waiting, but dang it, my legs hurt from those extra 15 feet :(.
Posted by
10:10 PM
Blogroll Review
The blogs I found related to my topic vary in range of design. They range from the cheesy or kind of "sleezy" looking (dailydumb) to the very wordie and simple straightforward(Dumb Things), and finally the confusing content that left me saying "What am I supposed to be looking at?" (Darwin Awards). In the Daily Dumb blog, I enjoy the "Daily Content" section, but could do without the advertisements and tremendous amount of links. In the "Dumb Things" I found it extremely too wordy, without any real substantial breaks in content. There is only a blue header, and the text by its self, without pictures or multimedia, makes the blog look text heavy and possibly intimidating. The "Darwin Awards" seems to have a lot of information, but doesn't highlight the main point of the blog, so it's hard to differentiate between the real point of coming to the blog (the content), and the other "stuff".
Posted by
9:50 PM